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There are five various examples of bidding in the text below. Take a look!

Example No.1
Starting price: 1000CZK
My bid: 2000CZK (the highest)
Other bids: No one

Result: I win for 1100CZK
Calculation: Starting price + bid according the scale*)
1000 + 100 = 1100

Example No.2
Starting price: 1000CZK
My bid: 2000CZK (the highest)
Other bid: 1500CZK

Result: I win for 1600CZK
Calculation: The second highest bid + bid according the scale*)
1500 + 100 = 1600

Example No.3
Starting price: 1000CZK
My bid: 2000CZK (the second highest)
Other bid: 3000CZK (the highest)

Result: I don't win. The lot is won by college for 2200CZK.
Calculation: The second highest bid + bid according the scale*)
2000 + 200 = 2200

Example No.4
Starting price: 1000CZK
My bid: 1000CZK
Other bids: No one

Result: I win for 1000CZK
Calculation: The lot is won for the limit bid.

Example No.5
Starting price: 1000CZK
My bid: 2000CZK (the highest)
Other bid: 2000CZK (the highest)

Result: The lot is won by earlier bidding.
Calculation: The lot is won by earlier bidding for the limit bid.

To final price is due to add 13% commission.
VAT starts only from 13% commission. No from whole price!

*) Bidding is governed by the scale.


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