Sort/Symbol, short cut |
Description |
(*) |
* |
** |
0/0 |
1/1 |
10-blok |
2-páska svislá |
2-páska vodorovná |
2/2 |
3/3 |
4-blok |
4/4 |
AU/0 |
dokument (tiskopis) |
dopis |
dopisnice |
dopisnice s nalepenou známkou |
F/3 |
foto prošlé |
foto se strženou známkou |
fotografie |
G/3-4 |
G/4 |
G/5 |
kniha |
krabice |
letecká známka nebo celistvost |
Nepoužitá |
nepoužitá celina |
plakát |
pohlednice |
POOR/5 |
použitá celina |
prošlá se strženou známkou |
průvodka (poukázka) |
průvodka (poukázka) |
příležitostné razítko |
razítko |
razítko z ochoty |
ruční znehodnocení |
strojové razítko |
ústřižek |
VF/2 |
VG/3 |
VG/4 |
výstřižek se známkou |
XF/1 |
General Abbreviations |
[COLLECTION] | collection, larger selection, accumulation |
anniv. | Anniversary |
B/W | black and white |
Brit. | British |
ca. | Circa |
horiz. | Horizontal |
i.a. | among others (inter alia) |
L | Left |
LL | Lower left |
LR | Lower right |
No. | Number |
oths | others |
pcs | piece / pieces |
publ. | Publisher / Published |
R | Right |
UL | Upper left |
UR | Upper right |
vert. | Vertical |
WWI | 1st World War |
WWII | 2nd World War |
y | Year |
In Text Description |
bklt | Booklet |
blk-of-4 (9) | Block of four (nine) |
bnd-of-20 (30) | band of twenty (thirty) |
C.C. | Concentration Camp |
C.O.D. | cash on delivery |
cat. | catalogue / catalogue price |
CDS | Counter Date Stamp |
cncl | cancellation |
comp. | compilation |
CRI | international reply coupon |
exp. | expertised by |
FDC | First Day Cover |
FP | Field Post |
HP | hand-made paper |
I.C. | Internment Camp |
imperf. | Imperforated |
impt | Imprint / Imprinted |
MC | Machine Cancel |
MP | machine-made paper |
MS | miniature sheet |
opt | Overprint / Overprinted |
p.stat | Postal Stationery item |
PB | Plate Block |
PC | postcard |
perf | perforation / perforated |
Pl | Plate number |
pmk | Postmark |
pos. | position in sheet |
POW | Prisoner of War |
Ppc | Picture post card |
Pr | Pair |
ptd | printed |
Ptg | Printing |
Reg | Registered |
SG | Stanley Gibbons stamp catalogue |
stmp | stamp / stamps |
str-of-3 (4) | Strip of three (four) |
T | Type |
TCP | Trial Color Proof |
Un | Unused |
upr | uprated (with additional stamp) |
Us | Used |
VK | Variant of Coupon |
wmk | Watermark |
Yv. | Catalogue Yvert |
In Catalogue Mark |
AT | ATM (stamp from automatic machine) |
CAE | Air Letter (stationery) |
CAZ | Air Letter (stationery) |
CDP | Postal Stationery |
CDV | Postcard (stationery) |
CMO | Coupon UPU (stationery) |
COB | Envelope (stationery) |
CPA | Postal Stationery |
CPH | Picture Postcard with Stamp (stationery) |
CPL | Postal Stationery |
CPO | Tube-Post Stationery |
CPP | Parcel Card (stationery) |
CPŘ | Forerunner Stationery |
CSO | Official Cover (stationery) |
CTÚ | Telegram (stationery) |
CUP | Stationery of Insurance Company |
CZA | Postal Stationery |
CZL | Lettercard (stationery) |
CHP | Pigeongram (stationery) |
IIp | bar type II |
IIs | spiral type II |
Ip | bar type I |
Is | spiral type I |
Mi. | Catalogue Michel |
Mi.Bl. | Miniature Sheet (according to Catalogue Michel, Germany) |
Ms | vertical gutter |
Mv | horizontal gutter |
ORZ | inverted harrow perforation |
PL | counter sheet |
Pof. | Catalogue Pofis (Czech Rep.) |
Pof.A | Miniature Sheet (according to Catalogue Pofis, Czech Rep.) |
Pp | inverted overprint |
PT | Commemorative Printing |
SL | booklet sheet |
ST | joined types |
STp | joined bar types |
STr | joined frame types |
STs | joined spiral types |
TB | tête-bêche |
TBa | tête-bêche pair (slim) |
TBb | tête-bêche pair (wide) |
ZS | stamp booklet |
Zsf. | Catalogue ZSF (Slovakia) |
Autographs |
AD | hand-written by the person to be collected, but not signed |
ADS | written and signed by same individual |
AL | hand-written by the person to be collected, but not signed |
ALS | hand-written and signed by same individual |
AN | no salutation or closing, usually shorter than a letter |
ANS | hand-written and signed by same individual |
DS | printed, or while hand-written by another, is signed by individual sought to be collected |
LS | hand-written by someone else, but signed by the individual sought to be collected |
PS | Postcard Signed |
SP | Signed Photograph |
TLS | Typed Letter Signed |
TNS | Typed Note Signed |
UNC/N | UNCIRCULATED, perfectly preserved |
AU/O | almost perfect, without creases, slight deficiencies |
XF/1 | extremely fine, clean, slightly creases |
VF/2 | very fine, attractive, folds vertically and horizontally |
VG/3 | very good, a well used, some minor tears, heavy folds preserved, more creases, average soiled |
G/4 | good, well worn used, heavy multiple folds, some tears etc. less preserved, more creases, more soiled |
POOR | poor, heavily creased, soiled, damaged, large tears etc. |
PROOF | proof |
0/0 | extremely fine |
1/1 | mint state |
2/2 | very fine |
3/3 | fine |
4/4 | good |